Beginner: Journal of Teaching and Education Management <p><strong>Beginner: Journal of Teaching and Education Management</strong> is a peer reviewed journal published by Penerbit Hellow Pustaka openly welcomes scholars, academicians, students, teachers, policyholders, and practitioners to submit their best research articles that correspond to the topics. This journal covers two primary areas, Teaching and Education Management<strong>. Teaching</strong> limits its discussion on Teacher education and training models, Teacher professional development, Pedagogical approaches and practices in teacher education, assessment and evaluation in teacher education, Teaching and Learning for School, Teaching methodology, Program innovation, Policy development, and Professional ethics. <strong>Educational Management</strong> limits its discussion on implementation and management of education including policy, curriculum development, leadership, and quality assurance, Public Relation Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Culture, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Learning Management, Supervision, Evaluation, class management, and educational administration.</p> <p><strong>Beginner: Journal of Teaching and Education Management</strong> published 2 (two) times annually, on June and November. Each of the issue has 6 articles both on conceptual article and research article. <strong>Beginner: Journal of Teaching and Education Management</strong> in English written articles are also welcomed</p> en-US (Siti Rokhmah) (Hamdan) Wed, 19 Jun 2024 14:26:05 +0000 OJS 60 Pancasila and Citizenship Education as Non-Military National Defense Development for Generation 5.O <p>This article discusses the importance of Pancasila and citizenship education as part of the development of non-military national defense for generation 5.O, which is the millennial generation that has different characteristics and challenges from previous generations. This study aims to identify the role and contribution of Pancasila and citizenship education in fostering the spirit of national defense in generation 5.O. The research method used is qualitative with a literature study approach. The results of the study show that Pancasila and citizenship education have a very important role in shaping the attitude, values, and awareness of nationality and statehood in generation 5.O. Through this education, generation 5.O is able to understand and implement the values of Pancasila, such as mutual cooperation, democracy, social justice, unity, and solidarity, as well as responsibility to the state. Pancasila and citizenship education also play a role in fostering the spirit of national defense. Generation 5.O needs to be trained to have a love of the homeland, an awareness of the importance of national security and defense, and active participation in national development. In this regard, Pancasila and citizenship education can present self-development programs, such as leadership training, social activities, introduction to local culture, and so on. This article also provides recommendations to strengthen Pancasila and citizenship education as part of the curriculum of secondary and higher education. In addition, there needs to be collaboration between educational institutions, government, and society in implementing education and training programs that support the development of non-military national defense for generation 5.O. Thus, it is expected that generation 5.O will be able to become citizens who have national values, national defense, and contribute positively to national development.</p> Lailatul Qurrota Ayuni, Dinie Anggraeni Dewi, Muhammad Irfan Adriansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Lailatul Qurrota Ayuni, Dinie Anggraeni Dewi, Muhammad Irfan Adriansyah Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Management of Facilities and Infrastructure in Teaching and Learning Activities at SMPN 1 Wates <p>Management of facilities and infrastructure during learning activities is an important aspect in the education system. Facilities and infrastructure include all facilities in the form of equipment and tools used to support teaching and learning activities in an educational institution. Good management in this case aims to support the creation of an effective and efficient environment for students and teachers in achieving educational goals. This research outlines the importance of management of facilities and infrastructure when learning activities are taking place. In this context, management includes planning, organizing, supervising and controlling aspects of facilities and infrastructure. These steps help educational institutions to manage their resources more effectively. This management of facilities and infrastructure ensures that all existing facilities are well maintained, managed efficiently, and always ready to support teaching and learning activities.</p> Devina Istighfarin, Bunga Amarilis Rizky Mauludy, Farid Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Devina Istighfarin, Bunga Amarilis Rizky Mauludy, Farid Setiawan Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Parents in the Moral Development of Early Childhood <p>The moral development of early childhood is something that adults, especially parents, must pay attention to. Parents are the first and main social environment for children's growth and development. Therefore, the author conducted this research with the aim of analyzing the role of parents in early childhood development. This research is qualitative research with a literature study type of research. The data source used is a literature review from various sources related to the moral development of early childhood such as articles, journals or books. The data analysis technique used is by reducing data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that parents have a very important role in children's moral development. Moral development in early childhood is a long series of processes acquired by children through experience, teaching and education about what is wrong and what is right. Therefore, parents must play the role of educators, the role of encouragement, the role of role models, the role of friends, the role of counselors, and the role of communicators. Apart from that, parents also act as facilitators and companions for children in the process of developing their morality. There are factors that influence a child's moral development, such as the child's personal context and the child's social context when socializing in the environment.</p> Fatiyah Qailani, Khoerunnisa Nurfadilah, Zulfa Syarifah Copyright (c) 2024 Fatiyah Qailani, Khoerunnisa Nurfadilah, Zulfa Syarifah Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 History and Development of the Education Curriculum before the Reformation <p>The curriculum is the most important element in developing educational performance, because basically education that does not adhere to the curriculum will be difficult to systematize in its implementation. The curriculum before the reformation has undergone several changes including starting from the old order in 1947 where the curriculum was known as Rantjana Pelajaran then followed in 1952, so that the curriculum changed to Rentjana Terurai. Then the third change in 1964, this curriculum was named the education plan which focused on moral development, emotional intelligence, skills and physical (pancawardhana). And different during the new order period, during this period the curriculum underwent changes starting in 1968, this curriculum was named the 1968 curriculum from the results of the evaluation of pancawardhana which was refined into panca jiwa pancasila, then the second change began in 1975 which focused on the development of instructional systems (PPSI). The third turn was in 1984 and was named the 1984 curriculum which focused on skill development with a model called CBSA (how to learn active students), while the fourth turn was in 1994 which is known as the 1994 curriculum. In essence, all curricula that are applied must undergo changes, which can thus adapt to the development and needs of society in the future.</p> Bunaya, Firman Ashari Copyright (c) 2024 Bunaya, Firman Ashari Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Cognitive Revised Bloom's Taxonomy Analysis in RPP PAI Documents in Senior High Schools (SMA) <p><strong>.</strong> In 1956 Benjamin S. Bloom formulated the concept of Bloom's Taxonomy, which became known as Bloom's Taxonomy along with the evolution of educational theory. Anderson and Krathwohl then revised Bloom's Taxonomy, describing two main dimensions, namely cognitive processes and levels of knowledge. In the learning context, especially in Islamic Religious Education subjects in Senior High Schools (SMA), an essential first step is the preparation of effective learning tools, including quality learning implementation planning (RPP) based on the 2013 curriculum, with a focus on core competencies. and basic competencies. Analysis of the distribution of cognitive levels in the RPP documents for Core Competencies (KI)-3, KI-4, Basic Competencies (KD)-3, and KD-4 shows that the levels of understanding (C2), application (C3), and analysis (C4) included in the learning process. Therefore, in the context of Islamic Religious Education, these subjects have achieved higher order thinking skills (HOTS).</p> Wildani Firdaus, Khozin Copyright (c) 2024 Wildani Firdaus, Khozin Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000